Thursday, July 21, 2011

Frrrr, frrrr, tin tic tac tic tic tin tac, wooosh

Sul letto al buio, aspettando di prendere sonno. 
Finestre aperte, mi concentro sul ticchettio della pioggia d'estate. 
Il vento muove gli alberi, fruscio, ticchettio. Frrrr, frrrr, tin tic tac tic tic tin tac, wooosh.
Aria fresca, resa leggera dalla pioggia, entra in camera senza chiedere il permesso, mi solletica le gambe, i piedi, la schiena, poi scappa via e si rifugia in salotto. Quiete, frescura, il ticchettio della pioggia.
Nel buio, penso. Penso a un recente passato, un passato che non riesco a spiegarmi. Lui, me, la vicinanza, la lontananza.
Un'immagine in bianco e nero scolpita nella mia memoria, lunghe ciglia, occhi chiusi, un accenno di un sorriso, mani tra i capelli.
Era perfetto. 
Ma la perfezione, quella, non esiste. 
Allora, cos'era?
Il vento muove gli alberi, fruscio, ticchettio. Frrrr, frrrr, tin tic tac tic tic tin tac, wooosh.


On the bed, in the dark, waiting to fall asleep.
Open windows, I concentrate on the summer rain clicking sound.
Wind moves the trees, rustle, clicking sound. Frrrr, frrrr, tin tic tac tic tic tin tac, wooosh.
Fresh air, made light by the rain, it comes in my room without asking permission, it tickles my legs, my feet, my back, then it runs away and hides in the living room. Quiet, coolness, clicking sound of the rain.
In the dark I think. I think of a recent past, a past I can't explain myself. He, me, closeness, distance.
A black and white image carved in my memory, long eye lashes, closed eyes, a hint of a smile, hands through the hair.
It was perfect.
But perfection, that, doesn't exist.
Then, what was it?
Wind moves the trees, rustle, clicking sound. Frrrr, frrrr, tin tic tac tic tic tin tac, wooosh.

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